Free Our Neighbors is not yet ready to handle payments.


by Free Our Neighbors

Jamie Tam

Friends, I'm turning 30 and about to enter a new life chapter as I leave Michigan for DC. Instead of gifts or birthday wishes or congratulations, it would mean a lot if you helped me free someone from detention through the Free Our Neighbors immigration bond fund. Thank you <3


  1. Immigration detention is killing people and destroying families. The psychological damage of detention has devastating rippling effects: families face homelessness, children are needlessly put in foster care, suicide is a leading cause of death while in detention. 
  2. Bonds gets people out of immigration detention and back into their communities while they access legal support. Once out of detention, individuals are reunited with their families and have dramatically higher chances of winning their cases to legally stay in the country with their loved ones. 
  3. Free Our Neighbors directly pays immigration bonds and re-unites families that have been torn apart. This org identifies individuals in detention across the country who need our support and sets up local bond funds to get them out!


Free Our Neighbors is a new immigration bond fund dedicated to keeping people out of immigration detention and with their families. Our approach is to work directly with community organizers and community organizations to identify people who need assistance paying their immigration bond and to direct resources to places and organizations that are under-resourced. We help set up local bond funds and we contribute to individual bonds wherever we can. 

We hope to raise $50,000 in our first 30 days to support our mission. Please share this campaign and contribute as much as you can to keep families together. The average bond ranges from $1,500 to $5,000. If you can contribute a bond for someone ($1,500 or more), you will receive an art print designed by a local artist, a Free Our Neighbors t-shirt, and our huge thanks. 

Everyone who contributes $100 or more will receive a Free Our Neighbors t-shirt. We'll email you at the end of the campaign in order to get your size and style preferences.