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by Free Our Neighbors

Kristina Carson

The short story: A $3,000 bond is keeping an asylum-seeker in jail when she should be fighting her case from the outside. Her family misses her terribly and needs your help getting her back. 

For privacy reasons, I am unable to share the asylum-seeker's name, but she and her family were put in detention as they went to the border to ask for asylum. Her sister's husband was able to fundraise enough money to release his wife, but they did not have enough funds to also release his sister-in-law. We are in touch with the sister who made it out and she’s so hopeful to see her detained sister again. There is also an important November 6 deadline -- we must act fast to free her! Can you imagine being so desperate that you would flee your home and everything you ever knew, only to be thrown in jail (without committing any crime!) and forced to pay an exorbitant amount of money to be freed? Please donate to help someone in extreme need.

The U.S. government’s current policy of choice is to lock up asylum seekers in immigration detention centers. These jail-like facilities often exacerbate the trauma asylum seekers face and impede access to legal counsel. Free Our Neighbors partners with community organizations across the United States to identify specific cases where refugees seeking asylum legally are detained and work to set up local bond funds to free them. 


A $3000 bond is keeping an asylum-seeker in jail, when she should be fighting her case from the outside. Her family here misses her terribly and needs your help getting her back. There is also an important November 6 deadline -- we must act fast to free her!


$3,000 GOAL

This Appeal 7 9%
has ended. Believers Funded
This appeal has ended.