Free Our Neighbors is not yet ready to handle payments.


by Free Our Neighbors

Free Our Neighbors

A client of UCLA School of Law’s Bond Advocacy Clinic was recently granted a $6,000 bond by the immigration judge. His family can’t afford to pay this fee, so he is still detained in Adelanto, CA. The client’s family is raising money with community support to pay his bond and secure his release. 

He has lived in the United States in Orange County, CA for more than fourteen years, since he was eighteen years old. ICE picked him up outside his home while he was on his way to work in late September, and he has been detained and separated from his two-year-old daughter since that time. He even missed her second birthday while in immigration custody. 

He needs help raising bond funds so he can be released from detention, reunite with his family, and return to his longstanding employment as a restaurant kitchen manager.  Being released will allow him to continue supporting his family, including his young U.S. citizen daughter, while he fights his immigration case. 

Please donate to help secure our neighbor's release. No donation is too small! 


Why Pay Bond for Someone?

Bond keeps families together and helps individuals win their cases. Detention negatively affects the cases of those who are detained: individuals released to fight their case from outside detention win their cases at a significantly higher rate due to increased access to legal resources and the ability to collect necessary evidence. Additionally, many people give up their cases because of the psychological damage caused by their detention in immigration jail, even if they are eligible for lawful status. A recent study found that the third leading cause of death in immigration detention was suicide. Also, detention causes a devastating ripple effect, as families face food insecurity and homelessness, children are needlessly placed in foster care, and entire communities experience the trauma of separation.

Your donation will free someone from immigration detention.

$4,182 RAISED

$6,000 GOAL

This Appeal 54 70%
has ended. Believers Funded
This appeal has ended.